Welcome to DoubleZero
DoubleZero is a decentralized framework for creating and managing high-performance permissionless networks, optimized for distributed systems like blockchain. It enables permissionless contributions of underutilized private fiber links to create a dynamic and expansive network.
What are the benefits of connecting to DZ? Compared to the public internet, the DoubleZero network offers two improvements to blockchains. First, inbound transactions can be edge-filtered (i.e. removed of spam and duplicates) by specialized hardware prior to being sent over the DoubleZero network. This allows blockchains to benefit from shared system-wide filtration resources rather than needing each individual validator to provision sufficient resources. Second, outbound messages can be explicitly routed, tracked, and prioritized to improve efficiency. Validators benefit from improved latency and jitter (the amount of variation in latecy). Taken together, these DoubleZero network benefits can achieve levels of performance that are otherwise unobtainable without the centralized co-location of systems.
For more details, see the DoubleZero Protocol whitepaper.
What's next? Learn how to connect to DoubleZero.